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Blog Entries

Aug 08, 2021

What it means to me, being a provider...


Some would label me a provider, hence the title of this blog. I consider myself a healer in what I do. People need affection, touch, and the fantasy I provide. But I'm no actress (ask anyone I know). If I am connecting on a deep level as I do, of course there are feelings..deep feelings. Some men will read this and come back with cruel, insensitive remarks because it makes them feel big to talk about a provider as though she's less then. I see the beauty, grace, and healing that can happen when a woman opens up and shares everything she has. This year is my 15th Anniversary of providing. I've seem some of my regulars for years, I know their story. They can share things with me that they can't with anyone else for fear of judgment or backlash. I am their safe zone.

Truth be told, I have no one special in my life. There simply isn't room for it with my choice to provide. Sure, not cuddling someone at night can be a bit lonely, but I consider myself in a relationship with the people I see. Another provider asked me once, how can I look like I was so in love and cared so deeply for the client we were seeing. I explained that when they are with me, it is as real as the air I breathe. I just have to accept when they leave, it's like breaking up...but only until I see them again.

I will be judged, laughed at, and that's okay. I'm happy with my 'relationship', however unconventional it may appear to someone on the outside. But if that weren't the case...if I didn't come from a place of genuine love, I don't think providing would mean anything to me. I like to think that sharing that love might just help a few people in this world. I hope that's true.

Feb 02, 2021

Men and sex drives over 40...

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I read an interesting article today on how sex drive changes with age. If you are a male over the age of 40, you may have noticed these changes beginning. Here's a quote I found interesting- 

'Men face bigger chances of erectile dysfunction as a lot of health-related problems like heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol etc. take place and so, they have to constantly consume medicinal drugs that may affect their libido.'


Now, whle I wholeheartedly respect the medical community, I am going to figure I might have just a little more experience on the subject, so I will share with you what I know...


1. Testosterone Levels Change With Age-

True as it is, this is completely unnecessary! There are so many techniques and tools that there's no reason the lion in you shouldn't emerge when the mood arises! I have discussed previously in a blog about edging...and it can double your t levels faster than shots! Wait, did I just say shots? Yes! First things, first. Make an appt with your doc to test t levels. If you are even on the lower side of normal, insist on shots. This will be of great help, but don't forget to add in edging...with a partner or without.


2. For Men Over 40, It's More Than Just Physical-

Sure, when you were 17, the breeze could bring on a furious hard on that refused to subside. But after 40, an interesting change takes place, and if the reason I PREFER to see men in this age group! Suddenly, that immediate hard on needs more than an ample bosom, or sexy butt to get stand up and salute! A little bit of mental and emotional stimulation is also needed to really feel aroused. Where as a 5 min. session would do ya at 17, suddenly the seduction, the sesuality, the physical touch means so much more when it comes to climaxing. The deeper and more enticing the connection, the better the orgasm!

Oct 22, 2019

Sensuality: A multi-dimensional sexperience...


First, allow me to define both sensuality and sexperience-

Sensuality-devoted to or preoccupied with the senses, or appetites 

Sexperience-strictly sexual experience/encounter, past or present


As a provider, we are told to pay attention to the sexual energy and hunger of a man. Visual stimulation is paramount, so attention should be given to our looks, outfit,  or anything that would increast sexual desire. This is a wonderful aspect of the 'sexperience'. And while the physical urge may be satisfied, one can often leave this sort of experience feeling a bit empty, or hollow. 

This is because sexual connection is so much more than visual stimulation and a mere physical interaction. Directing all of our energy towards a singular part of the body, or one sense...we are missing out on so many other vital needs we share as humans. Let's talk about some of the benefits of the sensual, all emcompassing sexperience, and what it brings to our lives...

-Benefits of touch- When you are touched, caressed, tickled, etc., you produce the hormone oxytocin. This allows bonding and connection to occur on a very deep and primal level. It can also increase sexual arousal.

-Sensual Stimulation- From something as simple as intimate, soft conversation, to sharing enjoyment of the senses (picture feeding each other strawberries, or scratching of the back/head)  will engage not only the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy.

-Improvisation- Each of us is unique. Being creative and playful, seeing what your partner responds to is imperative! Finding their 'spot', exploring a new adventure together, or sharing secret/hidden desires are wonderful ways of keeping the mystery intertwined with the pleasure experience.

Attending to every aspect of both body and mind can relieve stress, increase beneficial hormones to improve overall health, and encourage a sense of well being. I hope this for each of us, following our interlude together. I also hope you will allow yourself to enjoy life to the fullest, as every day is precious.  xoxo, Tabby

All new clients require screening and deposit. 

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